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Mantilla: The Spanish Veil

Last week, we ended our cultural veils blog post on the topic of Spanish veils. Since they’re so popular, we decided to dedicate a whole post to them! We’ll take you through a little bit of the history and show you all the different styles of mantillas and how you can wear them.

The History

Mantillas are circular or triangular pieces of lace or silk fabric that drape over the head and shoulders for Mass services. They date back to the 16th century and are said to have either originated in regions of northern Spain or southern Spain due to influence from North African Muslims. In any case, the veil started out as a decorative blanket and later became the accessory we know today. Many were worn atop a hair comb, peineta, for added height and drama. During the 17th and 18th centuries, mantillas rose to popularity and became the epitome of fashion when Queen Isabella II of Spain, portraited below, began wearing them. The style soon expanded throughout South and Central America via colonizers.


Traditionally, white mantillas were worn by unmarried women or young girls. Black mantillas were worn to funerals and by married or widowed women. White is now widely accepted for bridal wear and has replaced black as the most popular color, though some Spanish brides still prefer black garb. It doesn’t always have to be a sad color, you know!


Red mantillas, though less common, were and still are permissible bridal attire. In Catholicism, these veils were often worn to Mass for the “Seven Feasts of the Lord,” as red was the color of these events. These Feasts were “appointed times” for Christ to meet with the Hebrews for holy purposes. Check out these fabulous runway looks for some modern inspo!

How to Wear Them

Mantillas can be worn in two different ways: resting atop the head or cascading over it. For a more authentic Spanish look, lay it directly on top of your head, or elevate it with a decorative comb. When choosing a comb, think about how grand you want it to be. The higher the comb, the more awe-inducing the look!

For a more modern appearance, drape a mantilla over your head, and let it hang in all its glory. The illusion tulle that screens your face adds a delicate aura and always makes for ravishing photos. Our lovely NK Bride veils, pictured in the second row, are no exception! Click the “Store” tab to check them out.

Full Lace

These days, there are so many different materials mantillas can be made out of, but lace is definitely still a go-to! It always has a way of giving a wedding ensemble that classic, vintage feel. Even pairing a lace veil with a modern gown can give you that timeless look you’re going for.

Lace Trim

For our brides who aren’t as fond of the full-lace look, there are beautiful lace and other decorative trims to choose from. Take the floral appliqués on the fifth veil, for instance. Trim can be as wide or as thin as you like. Either way, it’s sure to create an elegant frame around your face and shoulders. Take a look at the first two images of our very own NK Bride custom mantillas available at our store!


Of course, we had to add a section for our super glam, sparkle-loving, rhinestone-wearing queens! We know the traditional look isn’t for everyone, so take a look at some of these striking options. Whether you go all out with the glitter or choose a beaded beauty, you’ll definitely make a strong statement.

Check out our Pinterest Board for all your mantilla needs!